K3 10 Jaar Show

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/OCT/K3Show2008.flv 448 252]

Why the “K3 onslaught,” as Eric calls it? Because this month is their 10th anniversary, and they’re celebrating with a series of shows.

K3 10 Jaar show 2008

So what I’m doing is jumping on the bandwagon. And here’s the bandwagon.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/OCT/KusjesparadeRotterdam21oct07.flv 440 330]

How do I keep up with with K3’s concert schedule? I use the RSS feed you’ll find by clicking here. Then click the picture below to enlarge it, and keep in mind that the ladies have been at this for ten years, and they’re busier than ever.

Kathleen Aerts and Karen Damen

I’d like to think this was taken after a show, but it looks to me as though they’re just setting up for a rehearsal. Poor Kathleen! She’s the youngest member in the band, and if she looks this beat, I assume Karen and Kristel must sometimes feel the same way. How much longer can they keep up what is obviously a very grueling schedule? Even Petula Clark had to take some time off every so often in her younger years to attend to family and personal matters.

One thought on “K3 10 Jaar Show”

  1. I have to admit it, yes, it’s true, but K3 is starting to grow on me. I had to wait till Molly went to school to type this. They’re so clean-cut, such great role models.Plus, they ARE adorable. Why can’t they be HERE, instead of Jamie Lyn Spears (possibly pregnant AGAIN!) and Hannah Montana, blah, blah, blah. They’re a tween mother (or father’s) dream come true!

    Yesterday, Molly had Columbus Day (teacher in-service day) off so we went to the mall with her friend Taylor and her mom. On the way out, this adorable Israeli girl grabbed us to test Dead Sea salts on our hands. Of course, we had not money, but she was so cute, we let her do her who spiel, and wow, the salts actually DID make my hands soft. After we left, Molly and I both turned to each other and said at the same time, “Didn’t she look just like that brunette K3 girl?” We bent over laffing and said too bad you weren’t there, Doug!!! Taylor and Roxanne go “HUH?” and I had to explain.

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