K3 Surfaces

As much as everybody loves to argue about politics, I sense weariness as we head into the final month before election day. So during the ongoing economic meltdown, K3 is back to cheer us all up! This one’s called “See Me Happy.”

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/OCT/K3Ziemegraag.flv 440 330]

Now here’s one heck of a photo of Kristel that’s just begging for a caption…

Kristel Verbeke, 2008 Zomerfestival

5 thoughts on “K3 Surfaces”

  1. If you look up K3 on Yahoo, there is a wide range of topics!: girl group, type of visa, mountain, Korean soccer league, mathematics term (finally, the K3 Surface! 🙂 ). And for pictures they have one of the girl group and one of the mountain.

  2. The Whole World is Watching! The Whole World Is Watching! Huh? Whu? I’m starting to feel … happy, and placid! Who needs Prozac? I say we replace CNN with K3!

  3. Doug Pratt is in the audience and he has given me this bazooka. He says “Feel free to use it on all the females who make fun of us on his blog! Oh, what’s that? Petula Clark is in the audience? Petula who …. ?”

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