2 thoughts on “Nailing Palin”

  1. OOH-WE-OOH! Are Tina Fey and Sarah Palin twin daughters of different mothers, or what? I told my sister that after Barack & Joe kick the McCain/Palin ticket to Arizona and Alaska, maybe Sarah Palin should consider leaving politics and do improv and sketch comedy with Tina Fey.

  2. I was very impressed with how Palin handled herself. Sarah Palin and the real “Dr. Evil” (Loren Michael) together: what a treat! Does it get any more surreal than that? My GOD! You can barely tell the difference, except the real Palin’s voice is actually deeper and not as sharp. Plus she’s about 5-10 pounds heavier. YAY! That great trailer for “W” is on the end. The song is perfect, ain’t it? 😉

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