Profiles in determination

I don’t know how anybody can be undecided between Obama and McCain, but for those who are, Frontline on PBS will be showing profiles of the candidates, both on TV and online. Do undecided voters watch PBS, or do they assume the network is biased?

2 thoughts on “Profiles in determination”

  1. Hi! Sounds like the Scholastic Kids have the adults beat in election smarts! That’s good news in that the world for them is very different, and scarier to me, than the one we grew up in, and we need intelligent next generations. The adult undecideds have to be way out of PBS’ league by now if they’re still undecided. They’d have to be like that tribe of people found -in I think the 70’s and I can’t remember which continent-that were still living like Stone Age people. You’d have to be without the use of any media anyway to still be undecided by now!

  2. On “The Today Show,” they had the Scholastic Kids official vote, which they’ve been doing since 1947. This is over a quarter million kids. Molly used to do it every year when she was as Sacred Heart. They’ve only missed getting the winner TWICE, and once was Al Gore, so that doesn’t count! The kid was so articulate it blew me away. Naturally, Obama won by a comfortable margin of 57%. I think McCain was 36%, and the rest was other, most notably, Stephen Colbert! 😀

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