Sincerity vs. insincerity

It’s one hour into the second Obama/McCain debate, and I think it’s obvious that Obama is going to win in four weeks. Obama remains somewhat guarded in some of his answers, but he’s coming across well. McCain seems totally insincere. He’s done well before in town meeting scenarios, but this time he doesn’t have the stage to himself.

5 thoughts on “Sincerity vs. insincerity”

  1. And now the wackos, led by puffy, pill-addicted Rush Limbaugh, are saying Obama has admitted he’s a Muslim! They’re doing this based on a tightly-edited video from an interview:

    Obama is Muslim

    But watch the interview without the splice at the end. Obama was saying “my Muslim faith” in quotes, of course.

    Obama not Muslim

  2. I heard the debate on the BBC World Service in the middle of the night. If McCain said “my friends” once, he said it 50 times. It was driving me wild. In the end it was the only thing I could hear when he talked.

    It’s not my business, but… geez he’s awful.

    As for Palin, sheesh. I have to say I enjoyed the Saturday Night Live “debate”, specially when she brought along her flute!


  3. Ya know, darn it, Joan, you betcha! 😉 Molly and Tom say I have Sarah Palin’s voice down cold! When she was small I’d do all the characters on Nickelodeon and PBS. I was always pretty good with impersonations anyway, but I think that’s because Doug and I did stuff like that growing up.

    I’m SOOOOOO sick of politix! Of course, now we’re being bombarded with the local stuff. On top of that, there is a big scandal with the local police chief, but part of the plea bargaining is, the reporters aren’t allowed to say exactly what it is he’s done wrong! It’s driving Tom and I nuts, and making everybody think the worse: “Say, Timmy, do you like … gladiator movies?”

  4. Don’t feel too bad, Jean. I’m sound-bit, polled-out, breaking news-broke and just plain information-overun and can’t wait till this is over and January 20 gets here. Get Dubya out before the country is bankrupt and we do end up with the Euro!

  5. Tom comes in last night and says “The debates are on!” and I didn’t even take my nose out of my book. Sad, huh?

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