Smoother, milder Obama?

I had a funny thought while driving in today from PT (physical therapy — I love PT!), about Obama. Pundits — the ones who like him — have commented on his steady nerves and his rich sounding voice. Both of these characteristics were, in the past, promoted as benefits of smoking. I’m thinking of Nat King Cole, who was a heavy smoker. In my radio days I knew that announcers were encouraged to start smoking because of the effect it had of lowering their voice.

I’d heard some months ago that Obama was trying to quit smoking. If Obama is still smoking cigarettes, I can’t imagine he would be able to quit once he’s dealing with the demands of being President. If Obama isn’t already feeling the debilitating effects of smoking, he will as he gets into his fifties, whether it be shortness of breath or a morning cough.

8 thoughts on “Smoother, milder Obama?”

  1. Jean, Hi! Yes, I notice the smoke more when I’m in a restaurant that still has a smoking section, even though I sit in non-smoking. I was told by several doctors that quitting was the best thing because I have allergies and a very mild form of asthma, more of a bronchiospasm actually. Had I kept smoking it would be much worse. I know Barack is skinny, even so because he’s part African-American, he is more likely to develop hypertension and he’d be better off quitting ASAP. For me, the price of the dang things would be enough of a deterrent, at $4+ a pack, and $40 + or – a carton! In 1979 they were $1.25-$1.50 a pack and a carton was around $13.99. I hope Barack doesn’t smoke around his kids and at most they would be around it at the shrinking number of places allowing smoking, but still he’d be better off kicking that habit.

  2. I heard that is he’s constantly chewing Nicorette gum. Why do you think the guy’s so skinny? I hope he doesn’t go on Chantix, a popular quit-smoking drug, as it has some bad side effects for some people. People! The number of ex-presidents who smoked is pretty high, and remember, tobacco does not affect your judgment. I’m sure he doesn’t smoke in front of his kids. That said, he does have to be careful not to be photographed, as it IS a bad behavior model for kids!

    Joan, I quit in 1991 for good. Now I can’t stand the smell of the darned things. Ex-smokers are the most obnoxious people around smokers, too! I have to zip my lip, unless they are blowing smoke in my daughter’s face! lol

  3. Hi! Smoking was a factor in my aunt dying from pancreatic cancer-in fact it hastened her death in that because so much of her family died of cancer young-she never quit and smoked up until her final hospitalization. I’m not thrilled my candidate is a smoker, but it certainly isn’t going to sway my vote. If he can’t be seen as having a human foible, that’s too bad-because with smoking, the person he’s hurting most is himself. If he puts the fact that secondhand smoke isn’t good for his children and other children and adults first that should be enough impetus to quit. As someone who smoked for 2 short periods at ages 17 and 32, luckily I was able to quit cold turkey both times and haven’t touched or missed them since. Yet I’ve always have had an addictive personality, now it’s an addiction to get healthy and try other healthier activities. So hopefully Barack will quit and find healthier ways to reduce stress. It’s stressful just WATCHING election coverage, but sports and exercise would be better for him!

  4. Doug,
    Maybe that’s part of the “change” Obama has in store for us…a smoke-filled White House.

  5. Doug,
    Wouldn’t that be a hoot… If he was forced, like most American workers, to smoke outside! I’m assuming the White House is a smoke-free environment, right?

  6. Ah hah! I knew it! So that’s the secret of Obama’s success. Cigarettes! Does this mean that starting January 21 he’ll be hanging out by the rear entrance of the White House, hunched over from the cold, puffing his cigarette, like all the smokers do at work? 😉

  7. I’ve heard he is still smoking. (I’m sorry that I can’t remember where I read this)..but it probably won’t be reported until after the election because it could be seen as a sign of weakness.

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