That’s my theme

OK, one more try with the updated theme. The last time I published something with this theme enabled, when the page rendered, WordPress lost contact with the database. If it happens again I’ll say something pithy and clever like, “S**T!

7 thoughts on “That’s my theme”

  1. And I’m glad you updated it! Thanks for keeping Blix alive and making it Widget aware.

    I haven’t gotten my favicon working with Fluid Blix yet, but being able able to post 640×480 video is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. The max with classic — now “fixed” — Blix is 448×336 for 4:3.

  2. I haven’t yet looked into the problem with the Categories widget drop-down menu. I only tried on my own blog where it worked, so I was thinking at some point to look into whether it had something to do with the WordPress version.

    I also spent many hours browsing themes and kept going back to Blix so I had to update it!

  3. HA! HA! Thanks, Doug! There are so many terms with abbreviations and initials in computer technology and I respect those of you who know all these terms and work with them. I’d like to learn how movement of video games is programmed to get every nuance of movement captured, and how computers are programmed through software to do what they do. That has always fascinated me how you can make a machine do what you want through a special language.

  4. If you like that, you should hear me at work: “Create an alias for the HBA using its pWWN, then put it in a SAN zone with the storage initiator, and enable it in a fabric configuration. Then mask the LUNs to the HBA.”

  5. Hi,

    I’m on Fixed Blix right now with Widgets — yay! — and it’s fine. I determined the odd URL was from a mirror site for a video I’d embedded, and the loss of database access was apparently a problem with my Web hosting service. So it was purely a coincidence that it all blew up at exactly the moment I was testing Fixed Blix.

    The only problem I’ve found so far is that the drop-down menu for the Categories widget doesn’t work. Pick any category and it just goes to the home page. So I turned off that feature. Don’t know if it’s a problem with the widget or the theme, or an interaction between them.

    Thanks a lot for updating Blix. I’d spent many hours — too many — browsing themes that looked promising, then downloading, unzipping, uploading to WordPress and testing, and I kept going back to Blix.

  6. Hi Doug,

    Thanks for letting me know about the problem you were having with the updated Blix theme. I will see if I can test with WordPress 2.5.1 when I get a chance. Do you remember what the URL you mentioned seeing was?

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