2 thoughts on “UK UFO OK”

  1. Hi! As to whether there is intelligent life out there, I keep an open mind. If there is they must be intelligent since they’re staying away from us! Imagine what they would think of these people who say they have been abducted by UFOs and some say they were experimented and/or operated on by extraterrestrials. Oy! It cracks me up to see these people on shows about UFOs who say that and are so adamant about it but cannot provide proof. I definitely need proof I can see, otherwise I want to know what they have been taking!

  2. I don’t eithe, although there was one intriguing report of a US Air Force guy over in the UK who was ordered to shoot down a huge UFO that nearly collided with a jet. Just as he sited it, it shot off! Most of the devices at government Black Ops. I’m more into the idea of multi-verses and inter-dimensional beings, and even then, it’s just fun speculative thinking. Unless a little gray dude actually shows up and shakes my hand, I need solid proof! For fun, here’s the latest “Irrefutable proof” of UFOs. It’s so obvious that this is a model, it’s laffable.


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