Down and out in New York

I’m back home from my New York visit with Denro. Friday and Saturday were good, but I fell ill about 4 am on Sunday. I don’t know how I survived the Amtrak train ride back to suburban Boston, especially because Dennis and I had to stand for the first half hour due to overbooking. Eventually they opened the business class car.

Driving home from the train station I nearly passed out twice and swerved off the road, but I made it. Fell into bed fully clothed at 8:30 pm, not bothering to even brush my teeth, and didn’t wake up until nearly 10 in the morning, except for a bathroom visit in the middle of the night. Carol suspects food poisoning. I haven’t eaten in 42 hours and I still haven’t fully recovered, so it’ll be a while before I post more.

6 thoughts on “Down and out in New York”

  1. My daughter Molly got a BAD case of salmonella the summer after she was in first grade. They traced it back to her handling a box turtle in our driveway. She was horribly, horribly ill with a temperature of 105 by the time we got her to the ER! They were this close to having her life-flighted to Geisinger (a much better pediatric facility in Danville, PA), when she stabilized. Scary stuff!

    Say, Dougie, how about a nice Sara Lee frozen banana cake? Remember how we used to buy you one for Christmas? BLURG, OOF!

  2. Thanks for wishing me well. I ate a little bit last night, but now it’s the middle of the night and I regret it. I’m in agony and at this moment, I have no interest in ever eating again, and the idea of drinking a beer makes me feel nauseous. I hope I get over this soon, because it’s really a killer.

  3. Hi Doug! I hope you feel better soon! I was thinking about you and thru my early senility haze remembered a food poisoning episode I had in the past. Your body does everything to remove the poison-both directions, you don’t feel like eating of course (the evening of the episode I couldn’t even keep water down), and for me I had flu-type weakness and even achiness for 2 days after. Hopefully yours will pass soon and The Great DogRat will be back 100%!!! 🙂

  4. Oy, Doug! What a way to end your trip! I’ve heard of that happening to so many people recently-food poisoning while away. My sister’s boss and his wife went on vacation to Arizona and New Mexico and the wife ended up hospitalized with pneumonia. That’s awful when you’re away. Thank goodness you didn’t have an accident or worse on your way home from the train station!

  5. Poor Dougie! Must have been melamine in those hors d’ourves or whatever. Sounds like you went to a convention? I’ll wait till you’re better to get the lowdown. In the meantime, I’ll be counting on the lovely Mary Jane, er, Carol, to keep the Amazing DogRat IN BED and away from his blogger: “Must … do … blog … !” Get better soon, Dougie!

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