Food, disgusting food

After getting up in the middle of the night for a bathroom visit, I woke up this morning feeling weak and washed out, but perhaps fit for duty at work. Carol made oatmeal and I ate some of that. Bad idea. Very bad idea. I don’t know what this is that’s got me, but it’s hanging on way too long. Back to bed.

4 thoughts on “Food, disgusting food”

  1. Hi Doug! I hope you are feeling better this evening! If not, then I think I would do as Jean said and “Get thee to a doctor”. If you are still ailing it wouldn’t hurt to be checked out just to make sure the anatomy of The Great DogRat is not suffering from something needing immediate treatment. Take care and we’ll be looking for your next health post!

  2. Are you sticking to the BRAT diet? B: bananas, R: rice, A: applesauce, T: dry toast. Of course, Carol is probably familiar with all that. Don’t know which end of your body is acting up worse, so I can’t tell. If you have bloody diarrhea, get thee to a doctor! Are you running a fever?

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