The Birds

We’re under attack! Birds are trying to take over our house.

First, they built a nest in some exposed insulation in the garage, after taking some of the insulation to build nests outside, accounting for why the insulation is less pink on the right.

Bird\'s nest in garage

And now there’s a bird attacking the roof. Look at the hole he made!

Hole in roof from bird pecking

Several mornings recently, including today, we heard pecking outside our bedroom window, and this afternoon, while cleaning the gutters (again), I saw the damage. It’s been below 40° at night, and I can’t imagine there are insects that are attracting him, so I don’t know what’s inspired the activity. Maybe they’re upset that I had two trees taken down from that side of the house.

Before going to bed last night, I concluded there’s no way some birds, except a woodpecker, could have created such a large and deep gouge, and we didn’t hear a woodpecker. I figure what happened is a large branch hit when one of the trees was taken down. The birds have been mistaking the hole for something they would expect to have insects in it.

One thought on “The Birds”

  1. Hi Doug! Never underestimate the power of any bird. It’s possible birds caused some damage to your roof after the branch did since I’ve had birds damage so-called “indestructable” bird feeders and this was before the squirrels had their go at them! If you had/have an oak tree near your roof, squirrels like to go for acorns in your gutters and anywhere else they can find them. I had squirrels chew thru hard plastic bird feeders and once made the mistake of leaving a hard plastic 5-gal. full bucket of sunflower seeds outside and the squirrels chewed a gash thru the tight-sealed lid on the bucket since they had the munchies BIG TIME! Whatever did the damage, wildlife can be rough on everything, and birds can be tough little suckers!

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