Bigger, Better BlogRat

Lots has been changed. Not just with the blog theme, but with how I capture and edit video. With any luck there won’t be any problems serious enough to force me to go back to the way the blog looked. Let me know what you think. You may, of course, prefer the more claustrophobic format.

One topic I’ve wanted to tackle for a long time is Ayn Rand. Her influence extends from Spider-Man artist and co-creator Steve Ditko to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Here are ten minutes from The Fountainhead, directed by King Vidor.

[flv: 480 360]

4 thoughts on “Bigger, Better BlogRat”

  1. I have a feature working that presents the blog in a format suitable for the iPhone and iPod touch. Other than that, if you’re able to do anything over the phone you’re just plain lucky, as far as I know, Joan! The new look, optimized for 1024×768, is courtesy of Lead and Follow:

    It works bee-you-till-full-ee! I have a couple of behavioral quirks to work out, but they have anything to do with the theme.

  2. Hi! All my crying, screaming and gnashing of teeth worked! Just kidding! For a couple days I got on the site (on my cell) and could only read the comments. When I clicked on a commenters name it would go back to the same page-even “Home” took me back to the same page. Anyhow, tonight I can read your blog and I like the new look! I need to get on the PC and check it out but right now I’m on the cell. I prefer it to having to sit right in front of the computer. When I can I need to get a laptop!

  3. WOW! Is that every gorgeous! Crisp, sharp and great sound. A big thumbs-up. Wasn’t Patricia Neal a stunner? Her eyebrows were done a bit heavy here, though. I never thought of Gary Cooper as attractive, but he has the same sexy forearms that attracted me to my husband. Great job on the new format, Dougie!

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