Cooking with electricity is OK

Carol and I sometimes talk about the fact that our neighborhood doesn’t have natural gas service, but we’re surrounded by streets that do. The last time we had that discussion was in August, when heating oil was heading for $5/gal. But now with heating oil $2.50/gallon or less, I’m reminded of the downside of natural gas.

One thought on “Cooking with electricity is OK”

  1. I used to work in a corporate center where it seemed our building always had a gas leak and I became quite attuned to it because besides the sulfur smell I would get a headache and my face would flush. I just prefer oil and electricity to gas and those propane commercials with the guys wearing the t-shirts Wood, Electricity, and Propane made me think Mad-TV would spoof the superiority of the Propane guy by lighting a match near him if he expelled gas and make him “explode”. Show him walking around in smoking clothing like in the Pink Panther movie when he was gifted at the Balls costumery with “a beum….a beum?!! AAUGHH!”, while in costume.

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