Jan’s Earth Mother Perspective

DogRat comment writer Jan, Arthur Godfrey fan and very nice person, has a blog. Jan needs some encouragement to keep writing, so go there and leave some nice comments. She’s on Blogger/Blogspot, and you’ll need an account with either that or Google to sign in.


Jan, my suggestion is to just keep writing. A lot! Sheer quantity is the way to go, whether or not you think anybody is noticing. I don’t know how Google bloggers keep track of how many people are out there, but being my own webmaster I can see that in November I had over 7500 different addresses on the Internet accessing DogRat. But of those people, how many leave comments? An infinitesimally small percentage.

One thought on “Jan’s Earth Mother Perspective”

  1. And indeed I shall continue writing, as it’s often much easier for me to communicate through the written word than verbally. Much more time to collect my thoughts, etc.

    Thanks again for calling attention to my blog. Nothing like a little push to get jump-started.

    — Jan

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