Studio 100 — Please get a clue

Studio 100 Copyright violation

A YouTube user who goes by the handle zazazebra has been my primary source for videos by K3. It would seem that Studio 100 is now turning the screws and zaza’s videos, and those posted by others, are starting to disappear.

Dear Studio 100: PLEASE get a clue! Don’t squash guys like me and zazazebra. We’re just trying to help promote K3 and Studio 100. Zazazebra had 2.5 MILLION hits on his post of “Kusjesdag”, and while my coverage can’t match that, I’m the lone voice in America pushing K3. To increase interest in your own posted videos, get high quality versions of “Kusjesdag”, “Hart Verloren”, “Tele Romeo” and “Verliefd” in stereo on YouTube. I’d love to link to those. “I Love You, Baby” too, because it has some English. Think about it. Please. The songs are wonderful, but it’s not just the format that makes it all work, it’s Karen, Kristel and Kathleen, one of the best pop music trios I have ever enjoyed.

Addendum: Now here’s something interesting. Studio 100’s UK account, that had the UK3 audition, has been suspended by YouTube (or perhaps shut down by Studio 100?). Click the link and see for yourself:

Noticed on Jan 1: The Studio 100 UK account is back.
March 23: It’s over. Kathleen has quit. K3 is done.

4 thoughts on “Studio 100 — Please get a clue”

  1. Boo, hiss, Studio 100! I would think they would appreciate fans supporting K3 and increasing their popularity in other countries! Geez-as soon as you hit your 30s you’re no longer popular, youthful and viable? Puleeze! Besides, who turns down free publicity?! God Save K3!

  2. Joachim —

    Something’s up, but I don’t know what. I just grabbed clips of K3 off of their official site, that are used in flash animations, with them in front a gray screen. Will be posting shortly.

  3. Addendum No. 2: Some videos even disappeared from karendamen’s channel this Thursday while I was browsing it. I first wondered why the second page showed no videos when the total number was 32 but on the first page were only 20. After a few minutes, I reloaded the page and it showed only 18 videos. And the last login said 1 month ago.

  4. Bah, humbug, to you, Studio 100! I think this is all part of the imminent phase-out of our girls. I think it’s time we start a petition, like they did for Pet.

    On a totally unrelated note, I forgot to say, Doug, your masthead of the Coca-Cola Santa is one of my all-time favorites. I used it for my desktop last year. This year I have a gorgeous German advent calendar.

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