Accidental Shooting?

Click here, read the story, and watch the videos. Do you think what happened to that boy was purely accidental? Unintentional? Yes. Careless? It was beyond careless. In my opinion it was negligent. What was his father — a medical doctor who runs a trauma center! — thinking? Why are so many gun lovers so appallingly, incredibly stupid?? Which makes them, by the way, extremely dangerous.

Our Confused Clock

Do you have a radio controlled clock that receives the shortwave signal from the atomic clock in Colorado? Eric has a digital model in his room, but the analog “atomic clock” in the kitchen is old enough that it doesn’t know about the change in dates between Standard and Daylight Savings time. So Sunday morning it had fallen back. I switched the time zone setting to force it ahead by one hour. Because it’s an analog clock, this is how it’s done. Looks like a time-elapse effect from an old movie
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