Calling 911

It’s been seven years since that awful day. We were having our kitchen remodeled, and on 9/11 the wall tile was being installed. When we got home we saw one of the new cabinet doors had been destroyed. Very weird. I don’t know what happened, but it caused a significant delay, because we had to wait for a replacement to be delivered from Canada. The tile contractor had to cover the extra cost, of course.
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The History Channel had a very dramatic special about the World Trade Center, made up of raw footage, and I’ve spliced together a few minutes from it.

George W. Bush promised he would bring Osama bin Laden to justice, but he didn’t. He failed utterly. Instead, Bush got Saddam Hussein, who had nothing whatsoever to do with the attack on America on 9/11/2001.

If McCain is elected in November there will be no investigation into what really happened to lead us to invade and occupy Iraq. We must find out with absolute certainty, and putting the Obama/Biden ticket in office is the only hope we have of doing that.

“She’s a monster”

I had to laugh when I heard from an older friend that his 70-year-old lady friend, a retired nurse, said of Sarah Palin, “She’s a monster.” I haven’t seen Palin’s entire interview with Charlie Gibson, but I’ve seen enough to know we should be very scared of her. Listen to her dissemble, trying to back out of her assertion that our being in Iraq is a “task from God.” She was thinking like Lincoln?? Oh, puh-leez!
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