Geoff Emerick In Florida

Recording engineer Geoff Emerick, who I’ve featured probably half a dozen times now, has been in Florida lately, working on a Beatles tribute by Cheap Trick’s Robin Zander. Here’s the article. For once a local piece, in this instance from the St. Petersburg Times, and not something from the AP and picked up by everybody.

R2D2 Projector

Bismo has pointed out a rather unique item. An R2D2 DVD video projector. It’s the sort of thing The Sharper Image would sell — if they hadn’t gone out of business. But don’t despair, because you can order one directly from Nikko Home Electronics for only $2900 plus shipping!

[flv:/Video/2008/MAY/r2d2.flv 440 330]

It’s odd that R2D2 isn’t shown projecting scenes from Star Wars. The projector has a typical computer screen resolution of 1024×768. The feature list says it uses DLP, but the spec sheet says LCoS. I’m inclined to assume the spec sheet didn’t get updated when the product was finalized, because DLP is much less expensive and simpler to implement than LCoS.

Don’t Bet On The Nag

Hillary Clinton couldn’t have picked a worse analogy last week, when she referred to the upcoming Kentucky Derby by exhorting voters to “bet on the filly.” Eight Belles was expected to place second, which she did, so at best it was an unwise comparison. Even the winning horse’s name, Big Brown, could be construed as a reference to Obama. But to have the filly break both of her front legs, and then be euthanized on the track, made Hillary’s analogy seem as though she had tempted fate. Yet she refuses to take the hint, and she’s now demanding the votes from Michigan and Florida be validated.

The obvious inference for Hillary to take from the horse race is she should drop out before the finish, or face potentially fatal political consequences. Hillary could kill her political future by hurting the Democrats’ odds for winning the White House. If Obama loses in November, Hillary will get her share of the blame, along with the destructive, to himself and others, Jeremiah Wright.

I’m amused by this article in Time. “Five Mistakes Clinton Made” makes it sound as though if Hillary had done more of this, and less of that, she’d be OK now. Perhaps, but I don’t think so. Despite all of the various tactics and maneuvering, and the Republicans who voted for Hillary in the Democratic primaries where that’s allowed, isn’t it possible that Obama is simply the candidate that more Democrats want?

Another Mission Accomplished!

Oh boy! We caught ‘im! Some guy. They say he’s the leader of al-Qaida of Iraq. Well, that’s that, I guess, for the Sunni problem. After the Shiia have settled down, everything will be all right and we’ll see an end to hostilities in Iraq. And once things are quiet and nice over there, why not stay a while longer?

Abu Ayyub al-Masri has been arrested in the northern city of Mosul. (AP Photo/Karim Kadim, File)

In this June 15 2006 file photo, a U.S. soldier at a press conference in Baghdad, Iraq stands by a photograph that purports to show Abu Ayyub al-Masri who is the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq. The Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday, May 8, 2008 that the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq Abu Ayyub al-Masri has been arrested in the northern city of Mosul. (AP Photo/Karim Kadim, File)

Not so fast. This morning, American military officials are denying that’s the guy. Iraqi security forces caught somebody else. Not the al-Qaida leader. Never mind. Back to the conflict, that’s already in progress!

Got His Mojo Blogging

My buddy Bismo is happy to inform us that his friend Mojo, highlighted here as an Emmy-winning special effects wiz for Battlestar Galactica on The Sci-Fi channel, has started a blog. And he’s using WordPress’s blogging service. Smart man, Mojo. Go here to read all about the night he picked up his Emmy. I’ll have to be careful reading this, however, as Bismo has warned me about spoilers. We’ve been only semi-weekly lately in our Friday night Galactica DVD watching, and we’re only up to the start of season 3.