Movie Money In A Flash

Here’s another good link from tastewar. The New York Times has put together an interactive Adobe Flash player with 20 years of movie revenue. This is box office money, and doesn’t include video rentals and sales, yet I think the influence of video on the movie industry is apparent. Get a feeling for how it works, spend some time with it, and see what conclusions you come to. Here’s the link.

Walter Cronkite and The Beatles

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of two sisters, backstage with The Beatles at the Ed Sullivan Show. Who at CBS, I asked, would have had enough clout to arrange such a meeting? I received several e-mail requests for the answer. Here are the girls, Nancy and Kathy Cronkite, with their father.

Nancy, Walter, and Kathy Cronkite

Walter Cronkite takes credit for having shown a news clip about The Beatles that caught the attention of Ed Sullivan. And the rest is, of course, history. I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to CBS News for providing this video.

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