Monte Schulz Says…

Over at this link on Cartoon Brew, Monte Schulz says…

It seems as if my essay and the others will appear in the April issue of The Comics Journal. I hope you will all find my 36,000 words to be both informative and entertaining! And I hope to never have to write about the biography again! I think it’s a decent essay. It offers a lot of information, and it is not a re-hashing of what I’ve written on here. It’s all new.

So the issue of TCJ coming out in April is the one to get. We’ll be on the lookout, for sure. And just a little while ago, Monte added this comment

Actually, Bill Melendez adored my father and could not have cared less whether Dad drank or not. That’s just another example of something David wrote that was either false or misleading. Bill and my dad were truly great friends and Bill is distressed over some of things David quotes him as saying in that book. In any case, had you ever seen my dad and Bill Melendez, you’d have known how fond they were of each other, and of Lee Mendelson, too. They made a great team back then.

If you haven’t read the David Michaelis biography Schulz and Peanuts, and you’d like to flip through the book at a store just to get a sense of what Monte is talking about, give page 384 a try. Read to the end of the last complete paragraph on page 385. Posthumous psychoanalysis.

Why Yahoo! Is Better Than Google

Ten years ago, Microsoft ruled the roost. But now, thanks to the return of Steve Jobs, Apple is a powerhouse in consumer electronics, and online it’s big, bad Google that’s calling the shots. So Microsoft wants to acquire Yahoo! Does Microsoft need Yahoo more than Yahoo needs Microsoft? Yahoo thinks so, because they’re holding out for more money.

But let’s keep Google in perspective. Its search engine isn’t perfect. For example, here are the results from a search I did a few minutes ago. Click to enlarge the picture, and look at the fourth hit.

Google Search Results

Google doesn’t put the popular Pratt Hobbies Rocket Catalog on the first page, but there’s a link to wedding pictures that you can’t look at, because they’re password protected? What’s up with that?

Now here is the same search, but done on Yahoo! Look at the first site listed.

Yahoo Search Results

There. Much better, don’t you think? Top of the world, Ma!

Ivory and Ebony on WABC, 1962

I enjoyed doing an oldies post last Saturday night, so I’ll do another one tonight. On the audio player is a classic WABC Musicradio jingle, then two songs from the WABC chart for the week ending June 30, 1962. The first one is number 19, followed by number 20.


You must play the first song all the way through to get the full effect when the second song comes in. This is one of the best examples I’ve ever heard of the culture clash that was so unsettling to the White establishment of the time.

Backstage With The Beatles

Any idea who these very lucky girls are? They’re sisters.

Backstage With The Beatles

OK, here are some hints. They’re backstage at the Ed Sullivan Show. What network was Sullivan on? Who, excluding the network boss, would have enough clout with Sullivan to arrange this visit? I promise you know the name.