Another British ‘Bird’

Who’s this? If I showed you a picture of her in context, you’d know her in a second. She was born in America, but she’s spent most of her life in England. Her first husband is very famous. Fabulously famous. Oh, he’s just rolling in it. Fame, that is. And money too, I suppose. But that’s neither here nor there. The point is, he’s the all-time master of belaboring a point to an excruciating… point.

Famous Bride

7 thoughts on “Another British ‘Bird’”

  1. No; my memory, such as it is, is fine. What I remembered was your quote from the Cheese Shop, which made me think of John Cleese, which made me look up his bio where I found Connie Booth. I wouldn’t have known her at all, honestly, but her bio mentioned that she was also the “witch” in Grail.

  2. Your memory might perhaps be slightly Fawlty, because not in the Cheese Shop was she, but instead she was the best gal of a would-be Lumberjack!

    I once wondered why every so often a woman other than Carol Cleveland was in a sketch, and I assumed it was for variety, and perhaps it was. But being Mrs. John Cleese may perhaps have had something to do with the occasional appearances of Connie Booth.

  3. Well, it isn’t Princess Margaret, as she was born in England.It isn’t Queen Noor of Egypt, or whatever. She is now widowed, of course, and even more stunning that this this looker. GIve us a hint!

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