4 thoughts on “Bush’s Farewell Address”

  1. I wasn’t going to say any more about Bush’s bye-bye, but this statement proves to me that he still just doesn’t get it:

    I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.

    Bush didn’t follow his conscience, he followed his gut. He did what he wanted to do, and it was his way or the highway. And his concept of a tough decision seems to be choosing the more difficult of options, as if one was taking the easy way out — invading Iraq, rather than not, for example.

    Tough decisions are the ones whether neither choice is an entirely good one. By definition, a President must make the touch decisions.

    Good riddance to the worst American President ever. A stupid man who allowed himself to be influenced by evil men.

  2. Hey Joan: “Any landing you walk away from is a good landing.” HA! How true! I guess you’ve heard that saying before!

    As for Dubya, I agree with a caption I saw on a commentary news show on MSNBC, where clips of the Prez giving his farewell address was being rebroadcast: “Good Bye, Good Riddance”. How sad, but unfortunately, how true of the sentiments of a majority of Americans, according to the approval polls of the job Bush did in office.

  3. Goodbye, Dubya! As for the plane crash it’s totally amazing that with as cold as it was and landing in the river that nobody succumbed to hypothermia. The pilot is a true hero and when I fly, due to my fear of flying, (not THAT fear of flying), I think I’ll reserve a seat with him piloting no matter where he’s going!

  4. Amen! And wasn’t it a weird coda to Bush’s eight years that ANOTHER plane crashed in Manhattan, but they are calling it “The Miracle on the Hudson?” Every last person got off the plane alive, including the incredible pilot, whom I assume is not allowed to be interviewed until the black box is recovered.

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