Petula Clark Rocks!

Petula Clark is my all-time reference for female Pop singing talent, professionalism and sexiness. Not only is there nobody better, there’s nobody as good. Having said that, what a great cover on the new Collector’s Choice Music catalog!

Petula Clark Rocks

It says see page 3, so here’s page 3.

Petula Clark CCMusic

I’ll be ordering both of these new items. Video of Petula is always a treat, so I’m looking forward to the DVD. Which reminds me. Goodbye, Mr. Chips will finally be released on DVD in a couple of weeks.

David Moncur, our correspondent in Scotland, wrote to say:

Here is the Dutch concert Max proms that she was involved in, in December. Her voice sounds a bit strained, but she’s looking great.

Click on “Afspelen” to get the show. She’s towards the end of the first half, and in the middle of the second half. This is the televised show, so they have cut it, and it doesn’t show all her songs….. Double click on it to make it screen size.

Happy 2009


Thank you, Dave! She does indeed look great. I wish I could do more than provide the link here, but the video is in Real format, and there’s not a lot I can do with that.

I was poking around recently and happened to catch this sweet and lovely tune by Petula. Enjoy!


One thought on “Petula Clark Rocks!”

  1. NOW ya got me crying! I’ve never heard that song before. As somebody with “intimacy issues,” this beautiful song perfectly describes my feelings for my wonderful husband Tom.

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