Chapel, Star Trek’s Number One Nurse

I loved watching Star Trek when I was a kid. Being the age I am, I saw the original series when it first aired, from 1966-69. I’d hold the mic of my portable Aiwa reel-to-reel tape recorder to the TV speakers, record the shows, and play them over and over again in bed late at night.

It’s already been a month since Majel Barrett passed away. About thirty years ago (!), Bismo and I attended a lecture and presentation by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry that was held at the Springfield (MA) Civic Center. Roddenberry showed the original Trek pilot, called “The Cage,” copied from what was then the only known print, in black and white. In the 80’s a video was assembled using color footage from “The Menagerie.” Later, a full color print of the pilot was found, but I enjoy the mixed version, because it highlights the parts that had been cut. Here’s my Nurse Chapel tribute.

[flv: 480 350]

6 thoughts on “Chapel, Star Trek’s Number One Nurse”

  1. The mind is a funny thing. Guess she was pulling the old “martyr” routine. ARRGH! You may be right; that’s why I was able to enjoy the exhibit.

  2. Yes, I heard about Majel Barrett. I’m sorry to see her go, but she had a great life.

    Boss, I remember Mom NOT going to Andrew Wyeth with us because she “had to clean the house.” That was the day I decided never to put mundane chores above more important things, because the next week the house would be dirty again and she would have missed Andrew Wyeth. But given that I was only 9, maybe I’m not remembering correctly….anyway, that was my excuse for never cleaning at all!!!! At least until a few years ago, when I discovered

  3. Doug, remember when Mom and Dad took us to the Wyeth exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts? It was one of the few times Mom went with us anywhere, that’s how much she loved this artist. I remember standing inches from “Christina’s World” and hoping to be able to paint that well one day. Well, not yet! By coincidence, I just an episode of “The Simpsons” where everybody is at Burns’s house and on the wall you can clearly see a rip-off of that painting with Monty in the same exact pose as Christina! HA!

  4. Hi! Almost everyone in Chester County, PA, and especially Chadds Ford is familiar with at least Andrew Wyeth’s and the Wyeth family name. As I was born and raised in Chester County, as a child I went to an allergy doctor in Chadds Ford, and his office was in a very rural area, which the town was at that time. I can see where the rural landscape was a definite inspiration to Andrew Wyeth. In the Wikipedia profile of Andrew Wyeth it said Charles Schulz was an admirer of his work and in one cartoon Snoopy “tells” Lucy he will not sell his Andrew Wyeth to pay her for psychiatric services.

  5. I knew about Wyeth. One of the good things about online news is that even the smaller items are on the front page for a little while. It seems like yesterday the brouhaha kicked up over the Helga paintings, but that was 20 years ago!

  6. How did I miss her death? Good LORD! That’s easy: Obama, Obama, Obama! I bet you didn’t hear that Andrew Wyeth died the other day at age 91, either. Majel was a lovely woman who should have gotten more air time on the show (along with NIchelle, of course).

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