Beeatles and Monkeeys

As I pointed out before, Davy Jones, of the pre-fab four band The Monkees, was on The Ed Sullivan Show the very same night that The Beatles first appeared. You’ll find him on the video player as the Artful Dodger in “Oliver!”, followed by a bit of “Making the Monkees,” recently shown on the Smithsonian Channel. Last year I highlighted Jack Nicholson’s involvement in the making of the Monkees movie “Head.”

[flv: 480 360]

3 thoughts on “Beeatles and Monkeeys”

  1. Ah, yes, they had a knack at attracting bad managers, including the one they had during their brief reunion in 2002, I think. Remember I had driven all the way to the PA/NY border to see the Monkees (all FOUR of them) and when I went to get my backstage pass, it wasn’t there? There was a stage manager and she went back TWICE to talk to their manager. The second time she pulled me aside and said, “Davy is really upset. Of COURSE he knows you, but Mr. Whatever is deciding who is coming backstage after the show tonight. He threw out all the backstage passes of people HE didn’t know.” The next time I saw Davy, he was profusely apologetic, and gave me one of his great hugs! 😉

  2. Fascinating! and of course, we don’t get that channel. To this day, all four of the boys hold varying degrees of grudges against each other. Davy and Pete did some touring together last year or the year before, I think. Peter, of course, is still probably the most laid-back and forgiving of them all, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten. I know this because of my old contacts from working for “Davy’s Devotees.” and the music in “Head” really is good! “Listen to the Band” is snappy!

    Who was the producer that Bert threw down the stairs?

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