Our Gang Photo Quiz

After posting “Fly My Kite” I’d like to do more Our Gang shorts, but capturing and mastering video takes a lot of time, and I’ve got to get out the door to put 16 miles under my feet. Scanning doesn’t take long, so here are a few photos with some Jeopardy!-style hints to help you identify the people.

Fifty years before Van Halen’s video, she was the original “hot for teacher” teacher.

She was a “darling” Rascal.

He wasn’t in Our Gang with Pete, but he hung out in his own neighborhood.

6 thoughts on “Our Gang Photo Quiz”

  1. June Marlowe was a brunette. She wore a blond wig, because Hal Roach wanted her and Jackie Cooper to match.

    Actually, I didn’t really have a big attachment to any of our elementary school teachers, but I liked Miss Sunderland, the music teacher.

  2. She doesn’t even LOOK like Miss Crabtree, with the wavy blonde hair! While we’re at it, which of our female elementary teachers had YOUR heart?

  3. Hmm…. yes, she does look like one of the “other Lassie mothers,” but it is, of course, a 40-something photo of June Marlowe, better known as Miss Crabtree. Her real name was Gisela Goetten. Another beautiful teacher of note was Sue Randall, who played Miss Landers on “Leave it to Beaver.”

  4. She looks like Jan Clayton from “Jeff’s Collie.” HOWEVER, There’s always the lovely Miss Crabtree!

  5. Correct and correct for the second and third pictures! Everyone assumed that Darla Hood would grow up to be a knock-out, and she was.

    The first picture I’ll leave unidentified for now. I bet my sister Jean will know it. The dog Pete went on tour with his trainer after his stint was over on “Our Gang”, and that’s where the Fred Rogers picture came from.

  6. I don’t know the first one. But it seems to me that the 2nd picture is of the character “Darla” from “The Little Rascals.” It sure looks like her, grown up, with Groucho Marx.! Nice figure, too…

    The 3rd one looks like TV’s “Mr. Rodgers” as a young kid to me!

    Am I right???

    Trivia question: was that dog’s career over after “Our Gang”? I always liked him. I forget what he was…part pit bull? I still think that painted–on ring around his one eye is funny! To this day, it makes me smile…

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