Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares

As my friend Samjay knows from our lunchtime conversations at work, I’m not big on watching regular TV — gotta blog and run, y’know? — especially so-called reality shows that have little bearing on reality, because the scenarios are artificial and staged.

But there’s one reality show that has caught my fancy in a big way, for weekend viewing. It’s on BBC America and it’s called Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.

As he struggles to save failing restaurants, Gordon Ramsay confronts disaster after disaster, and he’s as much a psychologist and therapist as he is a chef and restaurateur, dishing out more tough love than food. I give Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares my absolute highest recommendation. Go to the link and watch the preview videos, and I hope your cable service has BBC America.

One thought on “Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares”

  1. I’ve only caught a couple of these shows. Molly and I are both notorious channel surfers. We DO admit to watching American Idol once the finalists are in place. However, I did read an article about the “chef from hell” in “People” magazine a few months back. It paints him as a real gentle pussycat: no swearing at home, and a softie when it comes to his wife and kids:


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