Vino bargain

A neighbor/friend/co-worker turned Carol and I on to an exceptionally good wine at a reasonable price — $6. He found it at Trader Joe’s (not all TJ stores sell beer and wine). It’s Black Mountain Vineyard, 2005, a California Merlot.

Black Mountain Merlot

It’s smooth and, for a Merlot, strong. The 2005 is ready to drink now, but the 2006 needs a year to mellow, and who knows if it’ll turn out to be as good?

4 thoughts on “Vino bargain”

  1. Have you ever tried the Sutter Home Free Merlot, Doug? It still surprises me how many people reject something like that, without even having tried it. It’s ever so much closer tasting to normal wine with alcohol in it, than those sparkling apple cider alternatives. It’s a nice choice for people on medications, the elderly, and teens, of course, but it’s also great for the designated driver.

    One time I had a merlot that wasn’t smooth at all, so instead of dumping it down the drain or cooking with it, I mixed in some of the non-alcoholic Sutter Home Free Merlot. It smoothed it right out. I guess you could liken what I did to having a half-caf, half-decaf coffee!

    Just for the record… No, I don’t work for Sutter Home, nor any winery, wine distributor, or spirits-related industry, whatsoever. And I never did.

  2. I like some Merlots, yes indeed. Depends on the Merlot. Some of them are a little weak compared to Cabernet Savignon, and be sort of watery around the edge around the glass, if you know what I mean. But the goods ones are smooth. I have a hard time spending more than $10 retail on a bottle of wine.

  3. Didn’t know you liked Merlot. It’s one of my favorites. I always get the Sutter Home Merlot, which suits both my taste and my pocket book. I’ll have to look for the Black Mountain at our Trader Joe’s. (Isn’t TJ’s a great store??!!) Thanks for the tip!

  4. Another note: Molly was home sick Wednesday, and made me turn off the TV. She said, “Mom, it sounds like a plane’s about the crash into the house!” It was only the train two miles away in Mattawanna. One of the women killed was an activist whose husband died in 9/11.

    Speaking of wild stuff, we had horrific winds yesterday and were without power for nearly 15 hours. Luckily no major damage anywhere. One death from a car accident.

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