One thought on “Barbieque”

  1. Know what? I never had a Barbie of my own! I had to play with Leslie and Liz’s hand-me-downs. But Kathy Glynn had a modest and perfectly maintained selection just across the street from me, but she’d barely let me touch them! God bless her. [Kathy died of a heart condition after an operation when she was 14 — DOuG]

    But that’s OK! Because Mom made sure I had a doll that was mine, and mine alone:

    I guess it was guilt, or maybe they were cheap, but I also got Tammy’s little sister, her mother, father, brother, the CAR (I accidentally walked in on Mom wrapping it the night before our ninth birthday; let’s see, she would have been a whopping 37 years old!). But the best present was the year before, on my 8th birthday, cause I’d gotten it already the night before: the Tammy Dream House! I could barely concentrate at school because I knew it would be assembled and ready when I got home.

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