My ‘Dinosaurs’

I once read a quote from sci-fi author Ray Bradbury, in which he explained that he liked to carry toy dinosaurs around. He’d pull them out of his pocket to show off, and whenever somebody was disapproving, or thought they were silly, he’d say, “Fine. Then I’m taking my dinosaurs and going home.”

I’ll be posting an item — OK, make it two with this one — about the breakup of Belgian girl group K3. Officially, Kathleen Aerts is leaving while Karen Damen and Kristel Verbeke are carrying on, but I don’t see how they can keep it going.

On a Dutch entertainment web log, this appeared the morning of Kathleen’s announcement (edited from a Google translation):

The rumor machine is running at full speed. Half an hour ago, a press release was broadcast that at the end of this afternoon a press conference will take place in Antwerp on the future of K3. On Twitter are the rumors that K3 will fall apart. It’s no strange thought, because now the ladies Karen, Kristel and Kathleen are too old for kiddie pop. We will of course keep you informed …

This was the sad scene three days ago, at that hastily prepared press conference, announcing Kathleen’s departure. Consider K3 to be my toy dinosaurs.

Kathleen Aerts quits

Karen Damen of K3

Karen Damen and Kristel Verbeke of K3

Larissa returning to Massachusetts?

Wrapping up my series on Jeopardy! contestant Larissa Kelly, she talked with a reporter in her hometown, Newton, Massachusetts. Click here.

When asked about a possible return to Boston, Larissa said, “It will depend on what the job market is like,” Kelly said. “But I’d love to end up back in Massachusetts.”
Continue reading Larissa returning to Massachusetts?


Larissa Kelly played an excellent game in the finale of the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions, but at the end she lost to Dan Pawson, who played an even better game. Larissa has had a couple of months to get over her disappointment, but for her fans the loss still stings.

Every so often somebody appears out of nowhere and catches the public’s fancy. One example is Joe the would-be plumber, who turned out to be a fake in the first degree. Another example — a smaller and quieter one, who is no fake — is Larissa Kelly. A genuine American Sweetheart, Larissa is instantly likable, charming and disarming, and she’s somebody who most people just naturally want to root for. Larissa is the ultimate girl you want to bring home to meet your mother.

Congratulations to Dan Pawson for his victory, and congratulations once again to Larissa Kelly, whose place in Jeopardy! history is assured. Thank you, Larissa, for the inspiration of setting such high standards for yourself, and for meeting them. You’re obviously headed for further success, but everybody needs a little luck too, so best of luck to you, Larissa.

I live near Boston, and since Dan and Larissa are both from the Boston area, in this video of the deciding game in the tournament I’ve left in a commercial for Massachusetts tourism.

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