James Bond drinks… Red Stripe?

It was first reported that Henry Gates would drink Red Stripe at the White House beer summit, but he had Sam Adams Light.

Red Stripe is Jamaican beer, and that reminded me of “Dr. No”, which was partially filmed in Jamaica.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2009/AUG/DrNo.flv 480 270]

“Dr. No” is from 1962, around the same time that Ska hit the music scene in Jamaica. After the movie came out there was a Jamaican version of the James Bond theme.


Ska came after Calypso and evolved into Reggae, thanks in part to a record producer named Leslie Kong. In 1969, a few months before Woodstock, a Kong-produced record introduced America to Reggae and became a surprise hit on AM radio.


7 thoughts on “James Bond drinks… Red Stripe?”

  1. D’oh! Yeah, the Venus WITH arms. I take Topamax for migraines and other reasons. It has a “minor” effect on memory and language. You’re absolutely certain you’re saying or thinking of one thing, while you’re saying or writing something entirely different. Hmmm, constant, nagging headaches, or clear speaking and writing abilities? Let me think …

  2. Buuf my english, I don’t understand the most of the words when I listen to it. I think Obama is very handsome man 🙂

  3. Not only that, but don’t the stunts and props look really cheesy? Any why must every single gun shot have a ricochet on the end? Still, it’s great fun, with Sean Connery in his prime! Oh, and to set the record straight, that’s me, not Ursula Andress, rising from the sea like Venus de Milo! No, wait, couldn’t be; I was only seven years old.

  4. Great post. Tom has Sam Adams Lite sitting in the fridge even as I type this … no lie! He also used to sing that Dekker song a lot. He’s terrible at lyrics, and it would come out: “Get up in the morning, same thing for breakfast …” Well, actually, I can’t make out the lyrics, either. We BOTH love Bond movies. Well, who doesn’t?

    Doesn’t Obama have anything better to do than hold beer summits. He should have invited the woman who placed the 911 call. Maybe he doesn’t like white women! I hear Gates sent her roses. Classy.

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