Calvin and Hobbes gone, not forgotten

For Christmas a few years ago, Eric got “The Complete Calvin and Hobbes” set. Eric has an amazing recollection of C&H installments that he demonstrates every so often by quoting strips verbatim. It’s hard to believe it’s been fourteen years since Bill Watterson called it quits. Watterson got out while the getting was good, because it was 1995 when the Internet started to really to really take off, and gnaw away at all forms of media, with newspapers as its first casualty.

The last I heard, Watterson was into painting with watercolors, and I thought by now he would have had an exhibit or a collection published. But… nothing. Watterson has famously refused to license Calvin & Hobbes. Animation would be the obvious way to continue the series, and a couple of amateur efforts show that a cartoon version of Calvin could work very well.

This is by a talented animation student in Belgium, a tiny country that gets mentioned a lot here…

…and this ambitious work is by an Italian animator. Bravo!

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