Netbook year two

My Acer Aspire One netbook, a now-defunct 9″ screen model, is already a year old. It’s been trouble-free, and I’m glad I bought it. I’m using it now.

The Chumby One that I bought Carol for Christmas was working fine, but then it suffered a failure of some sort when I unintentionally powered it off while checking the Netflix widget. I returned it, and a replacement is on the way. When it gets here I’ll put a pair of Dell AX210 speakers on it that I picked up for next to nothing. For now they’re on the netbook. They sound pretty good!

The mono speaker in the Chumby One is actually pretty good, but Carol wanted something more for listening to Pandora in the kitchen. I was going to buy a multi-outlet power adapter for a pair of computer speakers to plug into the headphone jack; but then, for only a few dollars more, I found the AX210, which doesn’t need an AC adapter because it’s USB-powered, and the Chumby One has a USB port in the back.

: The AX210 speakers are not a good match for the Chumby. The USB port is a very noisy power source, resulting in hum and whistling sounds.

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