Stephen Colbert… bullfighting fan?

Lia Pamina of Spain is no fan of bullfighting. She calls it torture. This is Lia expressing her opinion in a bullring.

Recently, matador Julio Aparicio was on the receiving end of some bullish wrath in Madrid. Stephen Colbert calls it one of the craziest f#?ing things he’s ever heard.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Craziest F#?ing Thing I’ve Ever Heard – Gored Bullfighter
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Fox News

4 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert… bullfighting fan?”

  1. Aw! I came again to watch the video… so SAD when the bull is dying! poor animal… bull has the right to live his life.

  2. I do not favor holding onto traditions for their own sake, simply because they help in some way to define a cultural and/or religious identity. If I start advocating witch burning, you will know I’ve changed my mind.

  3. Bullfighting is torture, yes. The thing that happened to Aparicio supports my opinion…this is awful! I don’t know what more they need to forbidde this show.

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