Swift boating

Major eye & ear candy superstar Taylor Swift was in town yesterday, ending her tour. She filled Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA (home of the N.E. Patriots) with 56,000 fans, matching the attendance at Shea Stadium for the Beatles in 1965. Good thing she isn’t here today, because we are suddenly having the seriously bad rainy weather that hit the Midwest yesterday, that is undoubtedly affecting WUMB’s music festival right now.

(Wait! It’s sunny! No, it’s dark with downpours again! Now it’s clearing up….!)

One thought on “Swift boating”

  1. We got that bad weather all night long Friday night. Scary: loud, flashy, Noah-in-the-ark style rain. The power kept going on and off and nobody got any sleep. I’d would have much preferred to have spent MY time at Taylor’s concert. I like her, but offspring Molly finds her “too mainstream.”

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