Don’t they know, it’s the end of the world?

Hey, this is great! The world is ending in six months, so I can do whatever I want without worrying about the consequences!

Ominous reports are leaking past the BP Gulf salvage operation news blackout that the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico may be about to reach biblical [sic] proportions.

But there are, of course, naysayers, who deny the possibility of a Methane Doomsday in 2010.

Didn’t the Mayans say we’re OK until 2012? Darn. ‘Guess that means we’re stuck carrying on with business as usual for a while longer.

One thought on “Don’t they know, it’s the end of the world?”

  1. As you know, I follow this genre (“Conspiracy Theories” ) and just laugh at most of them. The Mayan Calendar bit really only means that we’re coming to the end of an astrological age, and entering into a new phase of “enlightment.” However, the BP Disaster could very well come true. Too many people with real geological degrees are screaming about it hastily but well-assembled pages on Facebook and just 15 minutes somebody on CNN said that methane HAS been detected as part of the “seepage” coming from the sea floor and the capped well. And it’s no secret that a huge flotilla of military ships have been sent down there. For what purpose? There are also countless tapes of genuinely frightened people who live in the area saying that they have had been pulled over by the cops, had their cars searched (without a warrant), had their cameras seized, and been questioned as to why they were there, even when they LIVED there! Kind of creepy.

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