Boring *YAWN* Belgium

On Monday, the Boston-produced PRI show The World turned its attention to tiny Belgium. Here’s the podcast…


… and this is the video that’s discussed in the podcast…

… but if you really want proof that Belgium isn’t boring, there’s this…

BTW… Prue Bury’s family is from Belgium, both of her sisters were born there, and if not for WWII Prue would be Belgian, too.

6 thoughts on “Boring *YAWN* Belgium”

  1. So it seems there will be two K3’s — a cartoon version for kids, and a sitcom for an older audience. And now we know their hair is intended to match the colors of the Belgian flag!

  2. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeej i love K3’s new song! 😀 its the intro song for their upcomming sitcom that will air in Belgium this october!

  3. Um, this just made me realize that the hair color choices for K3 are probably not just coincidental?

  4. I laughed so much about that Belgium video. But unfortunately it is pretty much all true. I think the whole strict separation based on languages is nonsense. Why can’t that just work such as in Switzerland, where they have also four languages, and not really many problems, as far as I can tell.

    K3 too is mostly Flemish and Dutch, they sing nearly everything in Dutch (with a few notable exceptions in older songs), so they also stand for just half of the country. And even their “Frans liedje” is about France and not Wallonia.

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