Comcast is going door-to-door today, trying to get Verizon FiOS customers to switch to Xfinity. Ha! Fat chance. I gave the two sales guys a real earful, not that they deserved it personally, telling them how, in 2005, Comcast left me without Internet service for a month. A MONTH! The only thing that was working was e-mail, because it came from their own domain. Finally, after I’d pushed and complained almost every day, a technician called from a van, on his way to a substation, and I used traceroute to help him find the dead gateway.
Comcast offered no credit for the loss of service, so I asked for an adjustment and the request was denied. Sporatic outages continued after that, the same as they’d been previously. I got tired of resetting the cable modem, and I knew FiOS was coming to town. That was when I vowed to switch the moment FiOS was available. March, 2006, I saw the fiber optic cable being installed on the street, and I called Verizon to order service.
Since then I’ve had essentially no problems. Oh, a few times when I happened to be online at midnight the router went offline for 3-5 minutes, undoubtedly for some scheduled work, but that’s been it. As confirmed by the FCC, Verizon FiOS is not only the fastest home Internet service, it is also the only one that is perfectly consistent throughout the day.
As I told the Comcast/Xfinity reps at the door today when I refused the discount they were offering, there is NO WAY, AT ALL, I will EVER switch back to Comcast, as long as I can get FiOS in this house. Period.
P.S. By the way, my Comcast e-mail address still works. For whatever reason, it was never deleted. It’s dougpratt5 on comcast dot net. Everything sent to it is automatically forwarded to one of my dograt mailboxes.