My sister Marianne found some cool things this Christmas. 3D Holiday Specs look like 3D glasses, but when you look at Christmas tree lights with them you see them transformed into Santa’s face, or snowflakes, or stars, etc. It’s fun seeing which patterns give the best effects.
Something else Marianne found, that’s both fun and practical, is a type of wallet I’d never seen before, made of a folded sheet of Tyvek. Mighty Wallets come in all sorts of designs, including some with Star Trek themes. Highly recommended!
Can you order from Amazon UK, Lina?
omg i want that wallet wheer can i buy it??? 😛
I’m glad you like the clock. I was thisclose to getting one for myself! And yes, Marianne, hands down, gives the best Christmas presents every year. This year, I got “A Bag Full of Shat.” Yes, it was paper grocery bag thus labeled, full of two books written by William Shatner, plus two DVDs, and a nifty Star Trek magnet set with cool action figures, tricorder, and phasers!
The wallet looks awesome. I should mention that some of Molly’s friends know who to take waterproof paper and fashion wallets not unlike these, sort of like those “fortune-telling” things we girls used to make way back when. Molly has at least two of them.