Computers are the craziest people

All of you Cisco Unified Computing System fans are going to like this. I have an 8-blade chassis in the lab with two 6120XP fabric interconnects. I was able to access both of them with UCS Manager, then I took a Java update to 1.7 and my troubles began. I launched UCS Manager and got this message:

At first I thought it meant that Java 1.7 wasn’t considered to be a higher revision than 1.6.x, but then I realized it means that only 1.6 will work. So I uninstalled 1.7 and went back to 1.6. There was no Java error message, but the UCS Manager wouldn’t launch. So I tried going to the other 6120XP and it worked. From there I could see both units, but the first one still refused a direct connection. Which raised the question of what had broken? I updated to 1.7 again, tried getting into UCS Manager on the 6120XP that had worked minutes before, and it failed. Downdating to 1.6 left me with no access to UCS Manager.

What was the fix? Deleting the Java cache. Apparently, it can remember error events and replay them. After clearing the Java cache, this was how the Java console looked when the UCS Manager successfully launched on both 6120XP units.

This is one of my painful, and fortunately infrequent, examples of why I don’t blog about work.

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