Another Google Gaffe

Google is discontinuing its RSS Reader app. This really ticks me off. I use Google Reader at work to scan through a lot of tech sites. RSS is simply the best way to do this, and now I have to look for another reader. Speaking as someone who first accessed the Internet from home in February, 1994 with a 14.4 Kbps modem, this is annoying.

Closing the MP3 gap

Roku has a nifty Amazon Cloud Player app, and I use it, but it has a flaw that is common to many, if not most, MP3 players. It doesn’t support gapless MP3 playback — tracks with 0 seconds between them. The first sample on the audio player is from the Amazon Cloud Player, and the second is from Logitech’s sadly discontinued Squeezebox system.

[audio:,|titles=Amazon Cloud Player,Logitech Squeezebox]

There’s no gap between the tracks when played on Squeezebox. Samsung’s media player does the same thing as Amazon’s Cloud Player. Windows Media Player usually does an okay job with gapless MP3 playback, but it isn’t always seamless. Not being a smartphone guy, I don’t know how the iPhone and Android apps handle gapless MP3 playback. Maybe somebody could tell me?