All of these high school students who are really scared and mad and motivated to demand meaningful gun regulation will soon be of voting age. The lost lives haven’t been enough to bring change, but I like to think we are getting closer to the day when the money the NRA pays to politicians won’t be enough to compensate them for the lost votes.
I am very excited about this change, with a caveat. Some of the students who are especially vocal clearly seem to crave the attention, like the shaven-head Gabi (?), who admitted she didn’t write her viral speech. Other kids spoke out against Rubio and the NRA lady without notes, and did not smile. The kept on point. Most excellent. The myth of the whiny millenial seems to be cracking a bit. Hopefully the march next month will be well-organized …. and heavily supervised by adults. Many teachers and victims’ parents will attend, for sure.