Two things yesterday really set me off. First it was Trump’s suggestion that the way to protect schools from gun violence is more guns, by arming teachers. I’ve heard that one before from the NRA, and it means accepting that school shootings are here to stay. Then there was the outrageous and malicious claim by the alt-right that some of the students are “crisis actors” brought in from the outside to further the anti-gun agenda of Democrats. I assume they say things like that because they know their audience will believe them. Very scary indeed.
So for better or for worse, I have not only followed some of the exchanges on Facebook regarding gun control, I have also participated in them. I had fun taunting some of the most extreme pro-gun fanatics, with statements like, “saying ‘gun nut’ is redundant.” From watching, and being a part of, the bile-filled online back-and-forth I am now certain that the manipulation of social media around “hot button” issues is a very real and serious problem, and it’s not just the Russians doing it.
We’ve been dragged down so low that arming teachers is considered reasonable??
Also, I love how many people are remarking how this guy looks like the Nazi who got his face melted off in the first “Indiana Jones” movie!
I’m having more fun on Twitter. What a mistake to give up Facebook for Lent, becsuse Twitter is 1,000 yimes more addictive! The vast majority of Trump followers dislike him, and at least 85 percent of the comments are downright insulting. And the guy tweets constantly, all day long! I was awakened at 4 a.m. last week by a ringing notification that Trump had a new tweet. I forgot to turn off my tablet.
I agree with everything you say on gun control. I’ve got lots of new followers on Twitter because of my views, including one of the main actors on “Days of Our Lives!!” (They never follow fans as a rule because one might be a stalker.) He finds my posts “intelligent and well-written.” Wish Louise would post more often. ?