Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet, I’m Pwaying Wecords

I first mentioned Deep Purple’s superb 1968 recording of “Hush” almost — hoo, boy — eight years ago. “Hush” is one of my Top 10 all-time favorite songs, of which I probably have 100. It’s sort of a rotating Top 10.

I’m sure glad that Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood came out last year, before we got clobbered by the Chinese diet, which is nothing like the Japanese Diet. Here’s “Hush” as it’s heard in the movie soundtrack.

Dare I say that it’s WRONG, because it is. This is how the track is supposed to start, as played on a Technics SL-1500 MK2 turntable with a Stanton 680 cartridge. An excellent setup from the late 70’s.

The stereo mix has a fainter wolf howl intro. It’s the second track on Shades of Deep Purple, a super strong debut album that’s worth hearing all the way through, as this playlist will do.

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