Hobbies, Good and Bad

I have a thing for turntables to play records. Others have a thing for guns to shoot bullets. Both interests have been increasing in popularity in recent years. I’ll stick with turntables and records.

5 thoughts on “Hobbies, Good and Bad”

  1. I love the Stones’ brief Psychedelic period. Some critics call it a “me too” after Sgt. Pepper, but Brian Jones really added a lot to those recordings. I was stunned when Andrew Sandoval recently said, “No Brian, no Stones.” Andrew got push-back on that sentiment, but for me the magic ended with Brian’s death.

  2. nih, YIKES! That happens to me all the time. Dougie, I went to hit the play button on your picture, but it wasn’t there! I imagine you wanted a full view of your groovy turntable and 45. So I listened to it on YouTube!

    What’s your favorite Stones song? Secretly, I like several more than some Beatles songs (especially some old-timey Paulie compositions). Paul nailed it on “Helter Skelter,” though. I love all the Stones’s Norwalk stuff, but admit to having to turn up the much-maligned “Emotional Rescue” and sing it in the car! Favorite Beatles song? This is a strange one: “No Reply.”

  3. heres some synchronicity for you, i was listening to “dandelion” this am, not on a 45, but on disc 2 of the 3 disc ” the complete london singles.

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