The Honeymoon is Over

Hey, wives. Day after day, there are girls at the office… and men will always be men. You have been warned.

Music by Burt Bacharach, unfortunate lyrics by Hal David.

One thought on “The Honeymoon is Over”

  1. My GOD, I detest this song! If I could burn every copy that existed, by every male artist who recorded it, I would. Worse, I think I saw Mike Douglas sing on his show once. It was a train wreck. I couldn’t stop watching him and his bad toupee. Actually, Jack Jones wasn’t all that bad. Check out his fine tenor on “The Impossible Dream.”

    We also have the G-rated but still vomit-inducing “For the Love of Him” by Bobbi Martin. “For the love of him, make him your reason for living …” NO, NO, NO!

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