Mars War!

I’m very impressed with Criterion’s Blu-ray presentation of Paramount’s 2018 restoration of The War of the Worlds, from 1953. The print was created digitally, for perfect alignment of the scans made from the original 3-strip Technicolor negatives.

Paramount’s goal was to recreate the Technicolor experience as much as possible, and I can confirm they succeeded. This Blu-ray really comes alive with a good video projector.

A fascinating and entertaining alternate take on the H.G. Wells classic is the fantasy docudrama, The Great Martian War 1913–1917.

Aww, who needs to worry about a Martian invasion anyway, when we have the pandemic? Or… has it been their plan all along, to weaken us with a virus they’re immune to, avoiding the fate of the Martians at the end of Wells’ book??

‘Mars Attacks’ with original art by Wally Wood and Norman Saunders

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