Home Despot

Today’s Hagar the Horrible

The rise of socialism is why “nobody works, nobody gives a damn,” Bernie Marcus said in an interview with the Financial Times Thursday. “‘Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid.'”

What are Marcus’ definitions of “nobody” and “socialism?” His disdain of working people is straight out of Ayn Rand’s fantasy-romance novels. But he also distrusts the college-educated. What an attitude.

Marcus is actually asking, “Why won’t people work for whatever wages employers are willing to offer?” It’s the same, old tired party line that’s been used by conservatives for generations.

You would think Marcus admires the desperate immigrants coming from Latin America, who are willing to work hard at any job for below minimum wage. But of course he hates them too, and he supported Trump’s efforts at closing the southern border.

As successful and experienced as Marcus is, in his final years he has learned nothing. He cannot see how thoughtless, simplistic, and limiting his thinking is. Here are more parting shots from the 93-year-old crank who co-founded Home Depot.



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