The Pointy Haired Boss Fires Dilbert

Dilbert for February 26, 2023, the day Andrews McMeel Universal announced it was dropping the strip

Scott Adams could have quit, but instead he chose to be fired. At least there’s more publicity in that.

Adams said that white people should “get the hell away from black people.” Isn’t that the way it’s been in almost every syndicated humorous comic strip since Peanuts? Lynn Johnston and Cathy Guisewite were eagerly signed for syndication, but their points of reference were no less white and suburban than Gary Larson or Bill Watterson.

Perhaps Adams doesn’t want to be a cartoonist anymore. My take from watching some of Real Coffee With Scott Adams on YouTube is that he sees himself as another Rush Limbaugh. Adams retains Rush’s attention-getting histrionics in his polemics, while avoiding the hysterics of ex-DJ Limbaugh.

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