The kitchen’s inevitable first appliance with a stainless finish, rather than white.
The installation went all right, but not entirely. One of the guys, let’s call him the “assistant,” did something wrong, and they tried to BS me about it. Not a good idea. The other guy, let’s call him the “installer,” made it right, after I kept insisting I knew that something was wrong, which it was. That’s all I have to say about that.
Update: Actually, that isn’t all I have to say. I see they dinged the door. That’s what happens when you don’t unbox inside the house, but do it in the truck, then have one guy haul it inside — in the rain — by himself. That’s after tearing off the factory-installed insulation cover, because you think it’s packing material. I’ve requested an exchange. They’ll likely offer a credit on the installation cost. Always — always — unbox on premises. How can they not know this?